My Shop:

Here is a selection of works for sale. During my 36 years I have made thousands of works. I can´t of course show them all here. I will from time to time change/ add the selection. I mainly focus on "shipping friendly" items. Therefore I don´t ship anything framed in glass. (You would then have to come to my studio) For larger artworks on canvas which you have seen in the galley section on this site, please contact me directly for a price.


In April I offer 25% discount on all purchases in the shop. 

Oil pastel on paper:

Shipping and Delivery Time

Store Pick Up

You are very welcome to pick up your purchase at my studio, if you live close by. Just contact me for an appointment by phone or mail.

The adress is: Prags Boulevard 61, 2300 Kbh S. Tel: +45 2982 4897 Mail:

Home Delivery

I ship to most countries in Europe and USA and Canada.

Shipping: I will do all possible to process your purchase the same day I receive your order, but please allow up to 2 working days process time. (I might be busy in my studio) I normally ship the artwork by Post Nord. Shipments to Denmark take about 5 days to arrive. Outside Denmark it will be between 6-14 days, depending on destination. I will each time send you a confirmation e-mail including expected arrival time.

Shipping Costs

Denmark: Shipping is free regardless of buying amount. It is standard shipping (No tracking number) Outside Denmark: Shipping is free for purchases above DKK 2500. Below that amount the price is DKK 100 for standard shipping. You can also request "Recommandé" (registered shipping with a tracking number) upon check out. The price for this is: DKK 200.

Certificate of authencity

Certificate of authencity: If you wish I can send a signed letter of authencity free of charge, just remember to require it upon purchase in the remarks or by contacting me.

Privacy Policy

(In Danish only)

Indsamling af personoplysninger
Jeg indsamler ikke personoplysninger via hjemmesiden. Det er kun ved henvendelse via mail eller pr. telefon jeg registrerer dine personoplysninger. Jeg registrerer almindelige personoplysninger, herunder identitetsoplysninger så som dit navn, din e-mailadresse, din adresse/firmaadresse og telefonoplysninger, som du selv oplyser os. Personoplysninger afgives aldrig til tredjepart, med mindre du selv udtrykkeligt giver tilsagn hertil, og jeg indsamler aldrig personoplysninger, uden at du selv har givet mig disse oplysninger. De indsamlede personoplysninger bruges udelukkende til at danne en faktura ved et køb.

Beskyttelse af personoplysninger
Ifølge databeskyttelsesforordningen skal dine personlige oplysninger opbevares sikkert og fortroligt.Jeg gemmer dine personlige oplysninger forsvarligt på computere med begrænset adgang, som er placeret i kontrollerede faciliteter, og vores sikkerhedsforanstaltninger kontrolleres løbende for at afgøre, om mine brugeroplysninger håndteres forsvarligt, og under stadig hensyntagen til dine rettigheder som bruger.

Personoplysninger slettes løbende efterhånden som det formål, de blev indsamlet til, afsluttes. Personoplysninger gemmes højst i 6 måneder efter brug, eller sålænge lovgivningen kræver det som fx regnskabsdata, der skal gemmes i 5 år. Jeg forbeholder mig ret til at opdatere og ændre nærværende retningslinjer for behandling af personoplysninger. Gør jeg det, retter jeg datoen for “sidst opdateret” nederst på siden. I tilfælde af væsentlige ændringer giver jeg dig besked i form af en synlig meddelelse på min hjemmeside.

I det omfang, der behandles personoplysninger om dig, har du ifølge databeskyttelsesforordningen ret til at få oplyst, hvilke personoplysninger, der kan henføres til dig. Såfremt det viser sig, at de oplysninger eller data, der behandles om dig, er urigtige eller vildledende, har du ret til at kræve disse berigtiget eller slettet eller. Du kan til enhver tid gøre indsigelse mod, at oplysninger om dig gøres til genstand for behandling. Du kan også til enhver tid tilbagekalde dit samtykke.

Hvis du vil klage over min behandling af dine personoplysninger, har du også mulighed for at tage kontakt til Datatilsynet.

Kunstner Henrik Sandner 08/01-24

Prags Boulevard 61, 2300 Kbh S, Danmark CVR: intet, dette er en PMV (Privat mindre Virksomhed)

Returns and Exchanges

Return Policy

Right of withdrawal (Fortrydelsesret: ) You can regret your buy up to 14 days upon receival of your purchase. You will be reimbursed your purchase and eventual shipping costs. How ever you will have to return the item in unharmed and original condition. Your return shipping costs will NOT be covered! Your costs will be reimbursed as soon the item has been received from you. Please contact me as soon as possible if you regret your purchase and I will do anything to fix your problem!

Damage during shipping: If your painting arrives damaged: please contact me immediately, please provide me documentation (e.g photo) of damage and return the painting to me. I will reimburse your costs of buying and return shipping.

Prices, VAT and customs

All prices are stated in DKK (Danish Krone)

Since I am selling original art, the prices are excepted from VAT (moms) and all prices are therefore without VAT (According to Danish VAT law regarding original art) Outside EU: There are some countries that still think that original art should be taxed! I do not cover eventual taxes that you may be charged upon arrival to your local destination!


Copyright: All my works are copyrighted according to international law. I don´t mind that it is reproduced in printing or other formats in a non-commercial context, but remember to credit me by name. However you may not profit from its use e.g making NFTs from them.